Air temperature
Monthly average temperatures range from 19 °C (January) to 27 °C (June). The yearly average temperature is 23 °C.
Warming stripes for the extended period 1979-2018
(what’s this?):
Warming stripes provide an at-a-glance view of yearly temperature trends in Kobo for the period 1979-2018.
The colour of each stripe represents the temperature anomaly for a given year, or how much warmer (red) or colder (blue) that year was relative to the long-term reference period of 1981-2010.
Monthly temperature indices for Addis Ababa (1981-2010)
Warm nights (night temperature ≥ 20 °C) occur 7.8% of the year. Frost days (night temperature ≤ 0 °C) occur 0% of the year.
Precipitation and humidity
Monthly precipitation values range from 1.5 mm (June) to 95 mm (March). Average yearly precipitation is 462 mm.
Rainy days (≥ 0.5 mm) occur 25% of the year. Heavy rainy days (≥ 10 mm) occur 3% of the year. Very heavy rainy days (≥ 20 mm) occur 1.1% of the year.
Relative humidity ranges from 31% (June) to 61% (January) (monthly average). Yearly average humidity is 47%.
Monthly average wind speeds range from 5.5 km/h (around February) to 7.4 km/h (July). Yearly average wind speed is 6.2 km/h.
Monthly maximum wind gust speeds range from 39 km/h (January) to 49 km/h (August).
Cloud cover
Cloud cover ranges from 19% (November) to 47% (July) (monthly average). Yearly average cloud cover is 37%.